

Faisal Al Husseini Stadium

This is the latest picture of the stadium where Palestine will play its first International match on home soil against Jordan on the 26th of the month.Faisal Al Husseini Stadium is located just north of Jerusalem and it seats 6000.The…

World Cup 2018 Bid

Wouldn’t you know it,Palestine is all but officially in the race to host the 2018 World Cup.The proposal isn’t to go solo,rather it is a suggested joint bid with Israel. Going through the official website,you couldn’t help but get a…

First international on home soil

The Faisal Al Husseini International stadium is being built under FIFA supervision.Opening is scheduled for October with the inaugural match between Palestine and Jordan.On another high note,the West Bank league kicked off last week after years of inactivity.Finally!

Nicola’s Formula-The Chile Connection

Unlike other Asian teams,a look at Palestine’s lineup would reveal to you a Roberto,Pablo and Bruno among other Spanish names.Where did these names come from? Is Palestine employing a nationalization strategy like that of Qatar’s? Nope.In 2002 a man who…